"Oh The Places You'll Go..."

Sunday, October 01, 2006

The train...

The train was so much fun! We bunked in little rooms that held 4 people. Jeff's family stayed together and we stayed with Bryan and Emily. Most of our time was spent reading or playing cards, it was a nice relaxing way to see the countryside too. Occasionally we would stop and local villagers would be selling homemade food or fresh berries right on the platform. It's a good thing too because the meal car in the train would sell off all of the food they had so there wasn't much left on the menu to order if you got hungry. One time we tried to order 4 or 5 different things and then resorted to asking what they did have available...we got borsch! So at each stopover we would load up on bread and cheese and water...you never knew when the next time you'd get food! Besides food, people were also selling huge stuffed animals and we even saw chandeliers and a stuffed hawk for sale! Unfortunately we didn't have room for any of these great souveniers.


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